Monday, October 18, 2010

Accountability: Turbo Fire 5-Day Inferno Plan Redo

Ever have one of those days/weeks/months? I'm sure you have. I certainly did last week. I started the week on a really high note, starting the Turbo Fire 5-Day Inferno Plan. Made it through day 2 with flying colors, but then life just smacked me upside the head and almost completely derailed me. Without going into the gory details, lets just say some things happened that are going to end up changing the direction of my life, in a positive way, but the intial shock of it all really set me back. Add to that the stress of being the only girl in a house of 5 males and working on retraining them to be more helpful and respectful around the house, that equals STRESS!

That leads me to explain why I didn't completely finish my 5-Day Inferno Plan. I did the first two days great, the third was so-so, then the last two I just wanted to crawl in bed, pull the covers over my head and stay there until the weight of the world that was on my shoulders went away. I did stick pretty good to the eating plan and did lose 3 lbs over the week. I know I can do better, I have cleared my head and am ready to recommit.

It's a great idea that when you commit to something to see it through; but when something, anything, ends up getting in the way, which will inevitably happen even to the best of us, you just pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again (sing it with me! :). That's what I'm doing this week. Beginning today, I am starting the 5-Day Inferno Plan over again. It is recommended to not do this, but since I skipped days 4 and 5, I'm rather physically fit and healthy, then I feel, for me, it will be safe to do. I will, once again, blog about my meals, results, moods, etc. so I hope you will follow me and realize that I am human, just like everyone else. I also want to be an example of resiliency; to show that regardless of what life throws at you, as long as your heart is beating and you keep breathing, you can always bounce back!

On that note, I need to get my butt in gear and get busy. Workout: Day 1 is Fire 55 EZ Class and Stretch 10 Class!

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