Sunday, May 29, 2011

2nd Place?!?!

 If it comes easy, if it doesn't require extraordinary effort, you're not pushing hard enough. It's supposed to hurt like hell.
- Dean Karnazes

Your partner in health and success

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vegan Caesar Salad Recipe

Whether you are vegan or not, replacing a few meals a week with vegan (animal product free) meals is a great thing to do for your body! This is a yummy recipe from "Veganomicon" and I'm sure you will love it!

Caesar dressing:
1/3 cup slivered or sliced almonds
3-4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
3/4 cup silken tofu
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 heaping tablespoon capers
4 teaspoons caper brine
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder

1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves roasted garlic
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 medium size loaf French or Italian bread (little less than 1 pound), stale and torn or sliced into bite-sized pieces
1/4 teaspoon salt

1 large head romaing lettuce, chopped
Freshly cracked black pepper
Handful or two of spinach and/or arugula, torn into bite-sized pieces (optional)
Prepare the dressing: Pulse the sliced almonds in a food processor or blender until crumbly.

Empty the ground almonds into an airtight container that you'll be using to store the finished dressing. Blend the garlic, tofu, and oil in the food processor or belnder until creamy. Add the lemon juice, capers, caper brine, sugar, and mustard powder, and pulse until blended. Adjust the salt and lemon juice to taste. Put into the container with the ground almonds and whisk to combine. Cover and allow the dressing to chill in the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes, optimally 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

While the dressing is chilling, prepare the croutons: Preheat the oven to 400F. Combine the olive oil, roasted garlic, and lemon juice in a large bowl. With a fork or immersion blender, mash orblend the mixture until creamy. Add the torn bread and toss to coat each piece with the oil mixture. Spread onto a rimmed baking sheet, sprinkle with salt, if desired, and bake for 12 to 14 minutes until golden brown. Toss the croutons twice during the baking process. Remove from the oven and cool the croutons on the baking sheet.

To assemble the salad, place in a large bowl 2 to 3 cups of lettuce/greens per individual serving (amount depending on whether it's a side or an entree). Ladle on 1/3 cup of the dressing (or more or less to taste), and use kitchen tongs to toss the greens and coat them with dressing.

Add the warm croutons, toss again, and transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle with a little freshly cracked pepper. If not serving right away, warm croutons in 300F oven for 5 to 8 minutes before adding to the salad.

Serves 4 to 6 as a side, 2 to 3 as a main.

from Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero (Marlowe & Company, 2007) - reprinted with permission.

Your partner in health and success

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reasons Why You Should Run

There are all sorts of official reasons why people should exercise and you can find those in any health magazine, Web site or book, I am going to give you the "other" reasons to run. The reasons that motivate most people:

  1. Food I love food. I love to eat. I love a good meal, I love a good snack, and I love healthy food and not so healthy food. The more I run means the more I can eat.
  2. Time for You Your kids do not come running with you (usually). On the days they are driving you the craziest, you will exercise harder or longer. Even if they aren't driving you crazy, the break is wonderful.
  3. Time with Friends Run with friends to motivate each other when one of you doesn’t feel like running. The exercise is the added bonus; the visiting was our reason to get out. We often met for a run when we didn't feel like running but wanted to visit.
  4. Food Oh yeah I mentioned that one already!
  5. Looking Good Exercise helps to circulate your blood and oxygen. People who exercise always have a glow to their skin. Your hair will shine. And you will feel better about your body.
  6. Feeling Good When you look good, you will feel fabulous. It is amazing how you can run stress and problems away.
  7. Sleeping Less When you exercise and are in a routine you need less sleep so you actually have more time for things.
  8. Food...

Your partner in health and success

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Think you can’t “afford” Shakeology? Think again!

I’m willing to challenge anyone that says that Shakeology is too expensive and show you exactly why it is actually going to save you money instead!

First, I want you to answer this question: how much to you spend, most days, on either meals out, lattes from your favorite coffee shop, energy drinks, or at the very least, convenience meals you can warm up in the microwave at work. $3.00, $4.00, even more? If this is true for you, then you can afford Shakeology, because at the coach discount, the least it will cost you is $3.00 and most it will cost is $3.75. At the retail cost, $5.00 at the most and $4.00 at the least. And, you will be getting pure, extreme nutrition, which is far beyond what you would get at even the healthiest meal you can think of.

Next, do you have any health ailments? Or do you have a family history of health ailments? Of course, we can’t claim to “cure” any diseases or conditions, but the fact is, people that are using Shakeology have testified that they are losing weight, they are able to get off of cholesterol medication, they no longer need to take heart medicines and are even getting to the point where they no longer need diabetic meds. Again, we can’t claim that this is going to be true for you, or that it is the Shakeology that is truly responsible for these events, but, to me, if there is anything out there that could make me NOT have to be dependent on a cocktail of meds, I’m all for trying it out. That could eventually lead you to quite a bit of savings a month on prescriptions and years on to your life!

Have you ever gone to the store and purchase $100 or more in groceries, just to end up having things go bad and have to throw them out? I know I have. You can cut back in your grocery budget by buying fewer items, because you are replacing a meal or two a day with Shakeology. That is less you have to buy at the store and less that ends up in the trash in a few days. One serving of Shakeology has more than $41 worth of produce in it..... Hmm..... That’s a $36 SAVINGS for each shake. A lot better deal than what we end up throwing out because it’s gone bad before we ate it.

Do you take vitamins and supplements on a daily basis? With Shakeology, they really become unnecessary. If you are like me and want to error on the side of caution, you may continue to take them, but to be perfectly honest, I forget to take my extra supplements a few times a week and as long as I’ve had my Shakeology that day, I feel great! Depending on where you fall on this spectrum, that can be a savings of a few dollars a month and up to, well, quite a bit of money for some of you!

Let’s talk about meals out now. How much do you spend going out to eat, no matter of the meal, each week? $10, $25, $50, more? I know it is a bunch of money for most people. Whether it’s going to lunch on a daily basis, running through the McDonald’s drive-thru for a McMuffin  on the way to work in the morning, pizza to-go because you don’t have any time to make dinner? I’ll tell you what, blending up a scoop of Shakeology with your favorite add-ins is going to be a meal in itself and will likely last you longer than any of the above. And for $5 or less a shake!

Kids have baseball/soccer/scouts/fill-in-the-blank tonight, you are going to be on the run all evening, and they need something to fill them up while being on the go? What kids would turn down a chocolate shake for dinner? Beats anything you’ll be finding out on the road while you’re being a kid taxi! Blend it up with ice and tell them they can have it for dinner. Put it in a shaker cup and off you go! Just don’t let them know it’s healthy for them too.....

I could continue with the reasons why Shakeology is not too expensive, but it comes down to this..... You have a 30 day money back guarantee so if you still think it’s too expensive and it‘s not actually SAVED you money, you get 100% of your money back. If you decide to become a “coach” for the wholesale discount, you save 25% off of your Shakeology. If you are at all concerned with being the healthiest you can possibly be, to be there for your kids, friends and family, then there is no amount of money that should stand in the way. At $5.00 or less a day, it is definitely worth every last cent you spent on it and more.  

If you agree, then let me know. And I invite you to go to to find out even more about Shakeology and why it is really “The Healthiest Meal of the Day”!

Your partner in health and success

Monday, May 23, 2011

Attention TONY HORTON Fans! Hear from the man himself!

Alright you P90Xer, Power 90 fans & 10 Minute Trainers: what would you do to be able to hear from Mr. Tony Horton FIRST HAND? Well, all you have to do is get on a call at 12PM ET/9AM PT TODAY! Here's all the information you need:

If you haven't heard of P90X® by now, you've probably been frozen with the GEICO® Caveman for the last 30,000 years. That or stuck on an island with a volleyball and Tom Hanks. After all, it's the top-selling fitness program of all time!
Regardless, the man behind it—Mr. Tony Horton—will Bring It!® to the Coach Call today. And for the first time ever, we've opened the lines to EVERYONE. So invite your family, friends, neighbors, cats, dogs, etc. They're all welcome!

Tony means business. He'll be talkin' about the many pluses of P90X, his personal journey as a fitness trainer, his recent tour around the globe, and finally, why the Coach Business Opportunity is changing the health and fitness industry forever.

We're expecting record attendance. In case the first number's busy, please dial in to our overflow line at (712) 432-7620 / Password: 90405#

WHEN: Monday, May 23rd
TIME: 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET
WHERE: (605) 475-4408 / PIN: 90405# OR
(712) 432-7620 / PIN: 90405#

So, there you have it. Be sure to tune in, if you want to know what Tony Horton's words of wisdom are today!

Your partner in health and success

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Science Behind the Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse

I like to call the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse a "performance cleanse." This is because it was designed to be done with a workout program. Let's take a look at how this differs from other cleanses, how to tailor it to your needs, and what to expect if you or your customers decide to try it.

First of all, it's not a true cleanse. It's a calorie-restricted and nutrient-dense diet plan. Traditional cleanses contain very few calories and nutrients. Compared to the much more popular Master Cleanse, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Traditional cleansing diets are done to rid your system of toxins and bring it into homeostasis. They also contain a spiritual aspect. This process can take a long time, which is why you may have seen coworkers walking around the office in a zombie-like state for weeks on end—swilling a strange concoction of lemons and maple syrup.

The Shakeology cleanse is nothing like that. Depending on how you decide to do it, you'll be eating frequently and consuming between 800 and 1,200 calories per day, and it could be even more should you feel the need. The point of this cleanse is not calorie restriction, per se—it's nutrient efficiency. The aim is to get the most nutrients possible into the fewest number of calories. The goal is to put all of these calories to use as a part of your exercise program, to rid your body of undigested foods and toxins, and to bring your hydration levels into homeostasis. The result you're after is not weight loss—though it will likely occur—but for your body to be running more efficiently. This should make you feel lighter and more energetic, even though you're doing an exercise program.

How It Works

Your eating structure doesn't change. You still eat every few hours while you're awake. Each meal should have a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. And while you're not eating as much food as you'd normally eat, your calorie-to-nutrient ratio is extremely high. This means that you shouldn't restrict the actual nutrients you're getting by too much, so activity can continue as normal.

We recommend you try to keep your shakes to just Shakeology. Adding fruits of any kind, or seeds (for fat and fiber), or the Shakeology Fiber supplement, can and should be done as you see fit.

Ditto for your one solid meal—a salad. As we all know from any salad bar, the definition of salad can be varied. The goal of the salad in the plan is to keep your calories coming from natural sources (no artificial ingredients should be added, including artificial salad dressing). Aside from that, you can add ingredients as necessary. Keep your meat intake to four ounces or less, but add veggies, seeds, nuts, fruits, and legumes in quantities to satiate you.

The goal of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is to optimize your performance. You want to eat enough to fuel your day AND your workout. The foods you're eating are so high in fiber and nutrients that it's virtually impossible to overeat. You'll be consuming so much fiber, along with enzymes and digestive aids, that your body's ability to flush excess foods quickly will be at its peak.

What to Drink

Water, of course, is recommended in quantity. This is vital to any cleanse, because one of your goals is to bring your hydration into homeostasis. When your electrolytes are out of balance—the main problem we have is salt—you often retain water outside of your cells. This situation, which we refer to as retaining water, is cured by drinking more water. As the excess salts are diffused, your body begins to hydrate your cells (using sodium as it should be used) and flush the water held outside the cells. So, oddly enough, you drink water to eliminate water retention.

Sodas, alcohols, juices, etc., should be eliminated entirely during a cleanse. Coffee and tea, which are diuretics, should be minimized at the very least and eliminated if possible. Again, performance is the key, so if you need a cup of Joe as a pick-me-up, go ahead. Just use only as needed, and don't use additives. Eliminating sugar and chemicals is vital. However, do not use energy drinks or soda for this purpose, including the ones with artificial sweeteners. Coffee drinkers may find that switching to black tea during a cleanse will give you the energy you're looking for with less upset. Coffee's acidic nature can heighten the effects in a negative way during your cleanse.

Why You Won't Lose Weight :-D Read this CAREFULLY!

I should say why you might not lose weight, but I wanted to get your attention. Most people will lose some weight during a cleanse, but that is not the goal. Those with a lot of undigested gunk in their systems will lose weight as it's flushed out. Those of you who are properly hydrated and already eat well are less likely to lose. For those of you who need to lose weight, take heart: you are setting up your system to use nutrients more efficiently and improving your ability to lose weight through structured diet and exercise. So while you may not lose much on the cleanse, you'll be more prepared to lose weight later.

Another reason why we don't always lose weight on cleanses is due to a stress hormone called cortisol. Restricting calories is stressful to the body, and it reacts by releasing cortisol. Cortisol is performance-enhancing in the short term, but if you somehow keep your body stressed for long periods, it creates havoc in your system and can cause you to doggedly hang onto weight in a type of survival mode. We don't want this to occur, which is one reason the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is short. It's important not to remain in a highly calorie-deficient state for long periods of time, especially when you are trying to exercise hard.

So What Do I Do Next?

Look for the event to be posted. Check here or my wall on Facebook, Read all the information and contact me with ANY questions that you may have.
Go to my website and order your Shakeology, Ordering a bag of your favorite flavor on home direct is the best deal (free shipping and a free $30 workout DVD too!).  Shakeologly Boost, the fiber is optional, but I highly recommend it as well.

 By: Steve Edwards

Your partner in health and success