Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Think you can’t “afford” Shakeology? Think again!

I’m willing to challenge anyone that says that Shakeology is too expensive and show you exactly why it is actually going to save you money instead!

First, I want you to answer this question: how much to you spend, most days, on either meals out, lattes from your favorite coffee shop, energy drinks, or at the very least, convenience meals you can warm up in the microwave at work. $3.00, $4.00, even more? If this is true for you, then you can afford Shakeology, because at the coach discount, the least it will cost you is $3.00 and most it will cost is $3.75. At the retail cost, $5.00 at the most and $4.00 at the least. And, you will be getting pure, extreme nutrition, which is far beyond what you would get at even the healthiest meal you can think of.

Next, do you have any health ailments? Or do you have a family history of health ailments? Of course, we can’t claim to “cure” any diseases or conditions, but the fact is, people that are using Shakeology have testified that they are losing weight, they are able to get off of cholesterol medication, they no longer need to take heart medicines and are even getting to the point where they no longer need diabetic meds. Again, we can’t claim that this is going to be true for you, or that it is the Shakeology that is truly responsible for these events, but, to me, if there is anything out there that could make me NOT have to be dependent on a cocktail of meds, I’m all for trying it out. That could eventually lead you to quite a bit of savings a month on prescriptions and years on to your life!

Have you ever gone to the store and purchase $100 or more in groceries, just to end up having things go bad and have to throw them out? I know I have. You can cut back in your grocery budget by buying fewer items, because you are replacing a meal or two a day with Shakeology. That is less you have to buy at the store and less that ends up in the trash in a few days. One serving of Shakeology has more than $41 worth of produce in it..... Hmm..... That’s a $36 SAVINGS for each shake. A lot better deal than what we end up throwing out because it’s gone bad before we ate it.

Do you take vitamins and supplements on a daily basis? With Shakeology, they really become unnecessary. If you are like me and want to error on the side of caution, you may continue to take them, but to be perfectly honest, I forget to take my extra supplements a few times a week and as long as I’ve had my Shakeology that day, I feel great! Depending on where you fall on this spectrum, that can be a savings of a few dollars a month and up to, well, quite a bit of money for some of you!

Let’s talk about meals out now. How much do you spend going out to eat, no matter of the meal, each week? $10, $25, $50, more? I know it is a bunch of money for most people. Whether it’s going to lunch on a daily basis, running through the McDonald’s drive-thru for a McMuffin  on the way to work in the morning, pizza to-go because you don’t have any time to make dinner? I’ll tell you what, blending up a scoop of Shakeology with your favorite add-ins is going to be a meal in itself and will likely last you longer than any of the above. And for $5 or less a shake!

Kids have baseball/soccer/scouts/fill-in-the-blank tonight, you are going to be on the run all evening, and they need something to fill them up while being on the go? What kids would turn down a chocolate shake for dinner? Beats anything you’ll be finding out on the road while you’re being a kid taxi! Blend it up with ice and tell them they can have it for dinner. Put it in a shaker cup and off you go! Just don’t let them know it’s healthy for them too.....

I could continue with the reasons why Shakeology is not too expensive, but it comes down to this..... You have a 30 day money back guarantee so if you still think it’s too expensive and it‘s not actually SAVED you money, you get 100% of your money back. If you decide to become a “coach” for the wholesale discount, you save 25% off of your Shakeology. If you are at all concerned with being the healthiest you can possibly be, to be there for your kids, friends and family, then there is no amount of money that should stand in the way. At $5.00 or less a day, it is definitely worth every last cent you spent on it and more.  

If you agree, then let me know. And I invite you to go to to find out even more about Shakeology and why it is really “The Healthiest Meal of the Day”!

Your partner in health and success

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