Monday, January 31, 2011


There are lots of people nowadays that have either done a round or two or more of P90X and the cardio workouts are just not cutting it. Or they are already is really good shape and need more of a cardio challenge. If that is you, you really should take a look at combing the P90X Strength and Yoga workouts with the INSANITY workouts. Trust me, you will DEFINITELY be challenged, lose more weight and gain more in the cardiovascular department than you could ever dream possible!

Here is the hybrid workout:

Phase 1
Day 1 - P90X Chest & Back + Ab Workout
Day 2 - Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Day 3 - P90X Shoulders and Arms + Ab Workout
Day 4 - Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance
Day 5 - P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 - Insanity Pure Cardio
Day 7 - Yoga Workout

Phase 2
Day 1 - P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + Ab Workout
Day 2 - Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Day 3 - P90X Biceps & Back + Ab Workout
Day 4 - Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Day 5 - P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 - Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
Day 7 - Yoga Workout

Phase 3
Week 1 & 3
Day 1 - P90X Chest & Back + Ab Workout
Day 2 - Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Day 3 - P90X Shoulders & Arms + Ab Workout
Day 4 - Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Day 5 - P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 - Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
Day 7 - Yoga Workout

Week 2-4
Day 1 - P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + Ab Workout
Day 2 - Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Day 3 - P90X Biceps & Back + Ab Workout
Day 4 - Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Day 5 - P90X Legs & Back + Ab Workout
Day 6 - Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
Day 7 - Yoga Workout

Now, under the "Ab Workout" as well as the "Yoga Workout", you can choose the workouts included in your P90X program, or you might want to look into the One on One workouts as well. There are additional ab workouts to switch it up and help you out, just in case you have the attention span of a gnat like I do! :) And there are 3 Yoga workouts as of now that are just as good, but quite a bit shorter. Definitely worth looking into.

Doing a program that is as intense as this definitely needs top notch nutrition, so make sure you are using your Results and Recovery Formula and also Shakeology. You will be a lean, mean, fighting machine before you know it, or at least look smoking in that bathing suit!

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

~Rebecca Ingham
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P90X Tip of the Day 1/31/11

Strength and power start at the core.
Your core strength, which comes from your abdomen, back, and trunk, is the center for most of your power, agility, and balance. That's why we bust out the crunches, lunges, and squats. Strengthen the core and you've got a lot more 'umph' to rock out the outer, sport-specific muscles. 

Tony Horton

Stay tuned for more "P90X Tips of the Day"!

~Rebecca Ingham
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

P90X Tip of the Day 1/25/11

P90X Tip of the Day: 

Focus on the solution, NOT the problem. So, maybe you weigh more than you like. Maybe you can't do a pull-up to save your life right now. So what? Get up each day, put your DVD in & push play. Modify when you need to, push yourself when if makes sense to. After awhile, you WILL see the results! P90X is the solution! 

Your partner in health and success,
~Rebecca Ingham

Get a free Team Beachbody account today to get your very own P90X coach!
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Monday, January 24, 2011

P90X Tip of the Day 1/24/11

P90X Tip of the Day: 

A light at the end of the tunnel makes the long, dark crawl worthwhile...Starting a 90 day journey can seem like a lifetime, but find those that started where you are & see their success to help keep you motivated. Find lots of great success stories on the website!

You can sign up for your free Team Beachbody profile, then go to the "Connect" tab then "Success Stories" to find people with inspirational stories, just like yours will be!

Your partner in health and success,
~Rebecca Ingham 

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