Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Living Through" Your Fitness Program

I hear it and read it all the time: "Hope I survive boot camp", "I think P90X is going to kill me", "I don't know if I will live through Insanity". Well, as your friendly, helpful and dare I say, cute little fitness coach, I'm here to tell, "Yes, you will live!".

Now, this DOES NOT mean you won't be sore. This DOES NOT mean you won't have times you won't want to workout. This DOES NOT mean that you won't feel awkward or silly sometimes. But, you will live!

As a matter of fact, everyday you get up and put on your workout clothes, head out in the dark to your boot camp or just walk over to your workout area and put in that DVD, you are taking a HUGE step towards a better, healthier life. If you don't believe me, ask someone that hasn't taken care of themselves and see what they would say, if they could do things differently.

Make your workouts a gift to yourself. Expect to be sore and at times not overly motivated to do your workouts. But do it anyway. When you are a month, 6 months, a year or 10 years down the road, I guarantee you will see and, more importantly, FEEL the difference!

Let me know how I can help you reach your health and fitness goals or any other questions you may have regarding this topic.

Until next time!

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