Monday, August 30, 2010

Falling off the wagon, and getting back on

So, it happens to all of us (or at least a vast majority of us) every once in a while.... We fall off the wagon. Be it our eating, exercise, drinking, shopping, you name it, there is something there that we work really hard at overcoming, but once in a while, BAM! you find yourself falling head first off that wagon!

That is what happened to me this past weekend (and even a little bit the last week....). My boot camp was on break and I didn't workout nearly enough. I did have personal training appointments, but primarily observed them. My eating was WAY under par for me. I went to bed last night feeling pretty uncomfortably bloated and full and woke up today feeling fat, gassy and puffy!

Decided I needed to do what I really didn't want to do: weigh myself. My little bender has cost me 5lbs of ick and yuck. 5LBS!!! WTH? But if there is one thing I've learned by now, it's that there really  isn't anything that can't be reversed. So, I want to be held accountable and I'm putting it out there what I am going to do to get back to where I was a few days ago, and even better:
  1. Doing the Shakeology cleanse for the next 3 days + some Green smoothies.
  2. Do yoga everyday for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Exercise everyday for at least 60 minutes, including running and P90X workouts.
  4. Drink only water and tea (maybe a couple cups of coffee in the AM).
  5. Get to bed by 9PM and get up at 3:30AM (boot camp, ya know....).
There you have it. Now you know that what I've been saying is true. I once was a party girl and junk food junkie and deep down, that girl still exists. Not so much the "party girl" part, but I do still love the junk food (although now I fully realize how crappy I will feel afterwards). I may be a food Nazi 99% 75% of the time, but I do still love potato chips, French fries, pizza, cookies, you know (basically the majority of the junk I've eaten in the last 72 hours!). 

I know that by sticking to my plan, I will reverse what I did and there will be no harm done. But I wanted to put it out there to let you all know that even someone who is a self-proclaimed health nut can and will fall off the wagon now and then. The important part is getting right back on, as soon as possible. It isn't a failure unless you don't do anything about it!

Let me know your stories or what you are doing to hold yourself accountable! I would love to know I'm not alone out there! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Boot Camp Before & After: Kathy


Day 1

Day 60

Lost 13 lbs body fat
Down 8 1/2% body fat
Went from 46 push ups on the knees to 31 on the toes
Blew away the In & Out score from first test!
Lost 2" on her thighs, 2 1/2" on the hips!

Boot Camp Before & After: Jennifer

Day 1

Day 60

13 lbs body fat LOST!
Body fat down 7%
Moved from knee push ups to push ups on the toes
Doubled time of wall squat!

Boot Camp Before & After: Jessica

Day 1

Day 30 

Day 60
11 lbs of body fat lost!
Down 6% in body fat
Rocked the wall squat at 4 minutes, 
20 seconds!   
Increased sit & reach by 3 1/4"!           

Boot Camp Before & After: Jerica

Day 1
Day 60

Body Fat Lost: 14lbs!
Dropped nearly 7% body fat
Lost 2" on the waist & 
over 1" on each thigh
Went from 11 knee push ups to 
35 knee push ups!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Results and Recovery Formula

This is the best product I've found to help reduce soreness and build muscle fast! I use it EVERY DAY and can promise it does deliver!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to Get Ready for the P90X Experience

By Denis Faye and the Team Beachbody® Community

When it comes to Beachbody® workouts, you can go no higher than P90X. From the full supination concentration curl to the sphinx push-up, from your first warm-up to your last sip of Results and Recovery Formula, this program is truly the Mount Everest of our collection. And just as you'd prepare to climb the real Everest, you need to prepare for P90X. There are fitness levels to be tested, there is gear to be purchased, there is junk food to be tossed, and there are psyches to be elevated. But instead of dishing out a boring ol' "honey do" list for you up-and-coming Xers out there, this humble reporter decided to hang out at the P90X base camp (or the Team Beachbody P90X Message Board, as the plebes call it) and ask those who have already followed Sherpa Horton to the summit what they did to get ready. And now that I've completely worn out that metaphor, let's see what they had to say.

Tony and P90X Products

The regimen

As Beachbody Director of Results Steve Edwards likes to say, P90X is not an "off the couch" program. It's a hard program intended for fit people. Some veteran Xers learned that the hard way. As Scottc0823 muses: "I did nothing to prepare. I am 44 and have not done any serious exercise in years. Suffice it to say I had no idea it was an extreme workout, and no, I did not read up on it before I started! Shame on me. I realized very fast I was probably more of a candidate for Power 90 first."

Luckily for Paulandofelia, he reached this conclusion in advance. "Talking with my wife and discussing my Fit Test results, I didn't think this was going to work. But, I did read in the literature about Power 90 and how it can be used to help you get into shape for P90X. So I ordered that. I put the P90X box up on the shelf in my closet, determined to get it back down as soon as I was ready."

Paulandofelia continues: "Power 90 was hard for me at first but Tony was right—just stick with it and Keep Pushing Play. I was determined to do this P90X program and after 2 months I felt I was ready. I redid the Fit Test and could do a little more than the minimum. My wife bought me some Power Blocks for my birthday and on July 24 I started the X."

Justinpinkley also worked his way up to P90X, focusing on the program's most dreaded feature, the pull-ups. "I did a month and a half of 10-Minute Trainer. Then when I was done with that, I spent the last two weeks working on doing pull-ups, which consisted mostly of negatives (where you jump up if you have to, then let yourself down as slowly as possible)."


B-LINES® Resistance BandsOne cool thing about P90X is that it gives you an excuse to buy new toys: a pull-up bar, good shoes, a good mat, weights, and resistance bands. Unfortunately, if you're not already geared up, it can get to be an expensive shopping spree. CTOlson offered a simple solution to this: "I took a week or two to stock up on dumbbells by checking Craigslist and sales of dumbbells."

Scottc0823 saved a couple bucks by pilfering from his kids: "I am using mats that belong to the kids (those colored squares that fit together like a puzzle)." And for his pull-up system, he applied a little DIY attitude. "I put a hook in the ceiling joist so I could use the bands where I did not have a pull-up bar. I am now to the point I plan to install the bar and have a homemade setup I found online that will be easy and inexpensive."

For his audio/visual needs, Dadofaugust also stole from his brood by "reclaiming my old TV and DVD player from the kids' playroom." Conversely, Dumbbells suggests you go upscale. "I'd have bought a 5- or 7-disk DVD player from the get-go—so I didn't waste time every day changing disks."


Eating right is 50 percent of the P90X journey, so you gotta take it seriously. To do this, Lanceisme called for help from a higher place: "I told my wife to not let me eat anything other than [what was in] the food plan."

Rootc boned up on culinary expertise by "making and testing some of the recipes in the nutrition plan."

FitWithJanet knew the program would take up much of her time, so she planned ahead. "I made batches of the soup recipes, grilled chicken breasts and put them in a Ziploc for the week... basically made anything on my Sunday afternoon that I could make ahead of time to make my life easier (sauces, muffins, soups, chopped onions, cleaned produce, etc)."

And Manin made getting ready fun. "Prep? Cooking lessons!" Once you're into the program, remember that this is real work that requires real food. If you think you'll get by on rice cakes and carrots, you're in trouble. "Eat the calories for your level," insists Darthbaron. "If you're in Phase III and your calculations came out at over 4,000 calories, you better be eating that much. I tried working with 2,500 calories for all of Phase I and most of Phase II before I finally got tired of poor results. Once I started eating at Phase III, the changes in strength and muscle growth were dramatic—almost magical. I'm not joking: imagine one week not being able to do a single dive bomber, and then two weeks later you can do 20 dive bombers. These are the kind of changes I saw in less than 4 weeks once I started eating properly."

General preparedness

Man SleepingOnce you have your gear, diet, and fitness sorted out, you're well on your way, but just like any ambitious project, there are a million other small details to address. Darthbaron points out that you'll need to be prepared to "get enough rest. I was used to sleeping only 3 to 4 hours a night, but you cannot do that and be anything but always tired if you are doing P90X. Sleep is when your body does the bulk of its recovery." Tedwayne points out that the big, fancy books that come with the P90X DVDs aren't just door-proppers. "I think that reading the books from front to back as suggested, setting up your area for all the tasks ahead is key, that way when you do start you can hit the ground running." And 9820adcrdc reminds you that you're not the first person to attempt P90X, so you might as well take advantage of that knowledge pool. "To get ready for P90X, I spoke with coaches who are currently doing and have done the P90X program; I went to their homes and saw what they used to work out and their setup."

Finally, Fasnake suggests that you make sure that you have reasonable expectations before Pushing Play that first time. "There is one thing that I KNEW from the beginning—I have a 'Pause' button on the DVD player. I also have the rest of my life to do this without killing myself in the process. It's taken YEARS to put this weight on and get 'out of shape' (No . . .'round' is NOT a shape for healthy people) and it will not all come off at once. Additionally, I have to change my eating habits with 'what' I put in my mouth and 'how much' I put in my mouth. I have no lofty goals of looking 'ripped' or 'macho' or 'buff'." Although I'm sure we all agree getting ripped wouldn't be anything to complain about.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Shakeology vs. Juice or Coffee

Try Shakeology TODAY! You can jump right in to get the full benefit of Shakeology, PLUS get entered into a drawing for a popular Beachbody workout program AND possibly an iTunes Gift Card too! Go to the Shakeology page for info on the contest and to purchase.

Not quite convinced yet? That's okay. Buy our Shakeology Sample Pack, give it a try for 4 days and then you can get your 30 day supply and entered into the contest. Details for ordering the Shakeology Sample Pack available at the Shakeology page as well.

Let me know what questions you have regarding Shakeology. I promise you that by adding Shakeology to your daily health and fitness regimen, you WILL feel healthier!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shakeology® is officially certified "low" on the Glycemic Index (GI)

Taste the success. Shakeology® is officially certified on the low end of what's already considered "low" on the Glycemic Index (GI). That's a whole lotta low to love!

If you're not familiar with the GI, it's basically a scale of 1 to 100 that measures how much or how quickly a particular food causes your blood sugar to rise. The higher the number, the higher the blood sugar "spike," and ultimately, the worse the crash. Type 2 diabetes can be a product of too many high-GI foods. So as you can see, this is serious business.

Anything lower than a 55 is considered low GI. Shakeology rang up a score of 24. That's lower than most fruits and veggies, thanks in part to the fact that Shakeology uses naturally-occurring sugar rather than that high fructose corn syrup stuff made from genetically-modified corn.

To make things easy to understand AND share, we put together a one-sheet that explains the GI, lists all the important facts, and shows how Shakeology measures up against other foods.

View, print, and share the GI one-sheet

CertifiedOf course, the science behind this major victory is much more complicated—so we left the full explanation to our expert Steve Edwards. He wrote an excellent article about GI and how to communicate this news to your customers and prospects.

Read Steve's Article

To order, go to the Shakeology page and check out the special deal we have for you this month! Sample packs also available.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Living Through" Your Fitness Program

I hear it and read it all the time: "Hope I survive boot camp", "I think P90X is going to kill me", "I don't know if I will live through Insanity". Well, as your friendly, helpful and dare I say, cute little fitness coach, I'm here to tell, "Yes, you will live!".

Now, this DOES NOT mean you won't be sore. This DOES NOT mean you won't have times you won't want to workout. This DOES NOT mean that you won't feel awkward or silly sometimes. But, you will live!

As a matter of fact, everyday you get up and put on your workout clothes, head out in the dark to your boot camp or just walk over to your workout area and put in that DVD, you are taking a HUGE step towards a better, healthier life. If you don't believe me, ask someone that hasn't taken care of themselves and see what they would say, if they could do things differently.

Make your workouts a gift to yourself. Expect to be sore and at times not overly motivated to do your workouts. But do it anyway. When you are a month, 6 months, a year or 10 years down the road, I guarantee you will see and, more importantly, FEEL the difference!

Let me know how I can help you reach your health and fitness goals or any other questions you may have regarding this topic.

Until next time!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Order Shakeology autoship, Get in the Drawing for an Additional BEACHBODY WORKOUT!

Okay, here's the deal;

Shakeology is an absolutely amazing, incredible, life-altering product. Hands down, you WILL NOT find anything else like it anywhere. That being said, there are still people out there that are on the fence about buying it and trying it for 30 days. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I was too. Then one day, it dawned on me that I could try it for 30 days and if I really didn't like it, Beachbody would give me my money back. Full disclosure, as a coach, I do get 25% off all the Beachbody products (so I get it for the low, low price of $89.95), but it was still a bit of a gamble and I decided to take it.

I ordered the Greenberry (I had some chocolate protein powder in the kitchen that I knew if I loved the Chocolate Shakeology, I would probably not use it up). The day finally came that the UPS guy brought my Greenberry to the door. It was around 1:30 PM and I was working from home and seriously considering a nap. I hadn't had lunch yet, so I ripped open that box from Beachbody with my always present companion, Crystal the lab, by my side (every time a box comes into the house, she thinks it's like Christmas and wants to help with opening the boxes!).

I quickly got out my poor, old, beat up blender (VitaMix's are SO MUCH BETTER, I've since discovered!), read the directions (8 oz of water, scoop of Shakeology, and ice, if desired, which I did), blended it up and quickly poured it into a glass to get my first taste of this incredible shake. And it was...... only okay. I wasn't jumping out of my seat over the taste, but it was okay. I have had plenty worse. It was just missing something. But I downed it anyway and within 30 minutes, I noticed something.... I wasn't tired anymore! In fact, I felt a real energy boost. Hmm, I thought to myself.... there is something in here. Something my bod really seems to be responding to.....

So, I quickly looked around the kitchen to see what I could find to put in my Shakeology the next day to jazz it up (or as my mom would say, doctor it up...). I think I went with some strawberries, banana and unsweetened almond milk. I quickly poured it into a glass. And it was....INCREDIBLE! It was THE BEST smoothie I had ever had (and I'm really into smoothies). Same results; had energy, felt full, felt great!

I continued to use it for the 30 days and then my new shipment came (I definitely chose the autoship. Heck, free shipping and 2 free workout DVD's! I'm in!). I noticed that my digestion had improved (self-diagnosed myself with IBS. So just a little change in my diet or a big fall off the wagon can mess me up for days or longer). Took it to a week's stay at scout camp and felt really great the whole time. Noticed 5 lbs gone. Decided to keep going with Shakeology.

Then, after camp, a friend of mine that went with said she wanted to try it. Hooked her up and she ordered it on autoship and started her Shakeology journey. She started working out with the DVD's that come with the autoship order. Somewhere in the ballpark of 3 months, she told me she was down 20 LBS!!! I was in awe! After I picked my jaw off the floor, I had commented that my hair was thicker and was wondering why. It was her that said it has to be the Shakeology (duh, didn't even think about that!). So, I am for sure a customer and consumer of Shakeology, for life!

Now, I want YOU to have the same amazing experiences I've had. So, get Shakeology on autodirect TBoldHIS MONTH, and you will be put into a drawing for your choice of several Beachbody workout DVD's (see the complete list HERE). This is for new users and those that have not yet chosen the autodirect option. (If you are on autoship currently, you have the option of cancelling your autoship and reordering to get your name in the drawing, just as long as you do it THIS MONTH). If you are the winner, you will get to chose from the long list of DVD's, so not only will you get the 2 "Shakeology: The Workout" DVD's, but you will also get one Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Slim in 6 or any one of the other's on the list! Talk about holy weight loss, Batman!

You can order HERE and comment below or message me your choice, if you are the winner. If you aren't sure yet, you can think about which one you would prefer. Or, you can ask your friendly, favorite Beachbody coach (me!) what would work best for your current situation.

Now, this is something that is offered only through me, not through Beachbody. Orders have to be made through my page, to be eligible for the drawing. Any questions? Just ask! My door is always open!

Until next time,

PS. If you are interested in pursuing the coaching option to get your Shakeology and other Beachbody products for 25% off, I'd love to talk to you about it. Plenty of peeps choose this, if for nothing else but the discount!

Spiderman and Decline Spiderman Pushups

These are my all time favorite pushups. They weren't always, but they are now! Try them out and let me know what you think!