Monday, March 21, 2011

Mission: TurboFire/ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid Workout: Day 1

I've been feeling a bit funky the last few weeks: more tired, put on a few mysterious pounds, not really feeling like myself. Decided to take a look at what I've been doing in my day to day activities to see if it's something I'm doing instead of something medical or health related.

So, I decided I needed to get a bit more strict with myself. The last few days, I've been more consciences about what I've been eating, getting more and better sleep, having my Shakeology everyday, doing some kind of exercise everyday (yes, even your trainer and Beachbody coach sometimes needs to take her own advice and make sure she's really pushing play everyday!).

It seems to be working and I decided that since I'm a Chalene Johnson girl at heart, that I'm going to do a TurboFire/ChaLEAN Extreme hybrid workout. I'm going to blog and/or post about it every day, but need my friends to help keep me accountable too. Sometimes I need to be the student instead of the teacher and would sure appreciate any moral support you can give me! Today was TurboFire Stretch 40 and the plan is to go for a bike ride with the hubby after he gets home from work today (weather permitting). 

I'm also using "DailyBurn" to keep track of my calories and workouts, which I do love! I have to admit, it is sometimes a pain in the butt to record everything, but I'm more of a visual person and seeing it in front of me helps so much. I really can stay on track much better when I see how many calories I've eaten and how many I've burned. Then, I know if I can have that little treat, if I need to do an extra workout or need to readjust for the next day. It really is a LIFESAVER! 

I hope to motivate you and have you there to motivate me. Let me know if you have any questions! :)

Your partner in health and success

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