Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My favorite vegetarian/vegan chili recipe

This is the best chili I've ever made, veggie or not. It started out as a recipe from Hungry Girl, but I made some changes to please myself and my family. Check it out!

    ~4 1/4 cups canned tomato sauce
    ~1- 28oz can organic diced tomatoes
    ~3/4 cup canned red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
    ~3/4 cup black beans, drained and rinsed
    ~1/2 cup canned jalapeno slices, chopped
    ~1 large chopped onion
    ~1 large organic red bell pepper, chopped
    ~1 large organic green bell pepper, chopped
    ~1 3/4 cup organic chopped carrots
    ~2 cups organic veggie broth
    ~1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
    ~1 1/2 tbsp chili powder
    ~2 tsp crushed garlic
    ~1 tsp ground cumin
    ~Salt and pepper to taste
    Put veggies in pot with spices and saute in water or tablespoon olive oil for 5 minutes or until just crisp tender. Place remaining ingredients in pot and cook 30 minutes (longer if thicker chili is desired).
You can also add white beans or use just one type of bean, if you'd like. Even healthier, cook and use your own dried beans, instead of using canned.

What does "being organic" really mean?

As I sit here catching up on my shows I DVRed over the weekend, I decided next was one of my new favorites, a locally produced show called "b. organic" with Michele Beschen. This show is shown nationwide on local Public Television stations all around the country.

Michele is going over what "being organic" means, and there are a few things that I wanted to touch upon here, because there are things that people who are trying really hard to make good decisions for themselves and their families may not truly understand.

First of all, how do you know what is conventional, organic or genetically modified produce?
  • Conventional produce will have a tag with a number starting with a "4"
  • Organic produce will have a tag with a number that starts with a "9"
  • And genetically modified produce will have a tag that number starts with an "8"
You definitely want to stay away from any "8" (genetically modified); choose "9" (organic), whenever possible, but for sure the kinds of produce that are on the "Dirty Dozen" list. What's the "Dirty Dozen"?

The Dirty Dozen
1. Celery
2. Peaches
3. Strawberries
4. Apples
5. Domestic blueberries
6. Nectarines
7. Sweet bell peppers
8. Spinach, kale and collard greens
9. Cherries
10. Potatoes
11. Imported grapes
12. Lettuce

Basically, as you can see here, a good rule of thumb is to buy organic when you are going to eat the outside. Foods that you have to peel, like a banana or an orange, for example, you can techinally buy conventional if you must. Checkout this list of the "Clean 15", foods that have lower levels of pesticides:

The Clean 15
1. Onions
2. Avocados
3. Sweet corn
4. Pineapples
5. Mango
6. Sweet peas
7. Asparagus
8. Kiwi fruit
9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant
11. Cantaloupe
12. Watermelon
13. Grapefruit
14. Sweet potatoes
15. Sweet onions

Learning how to make the best possible choices really is important, and we need to continually educate ourselves, because the manufacturers and producers of less than ideal foods will always do what they can to confuse us.

Let me know if you have any questions about how to make good, healthy food choices!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Save Money With The Beachbody Showcase Pack!

So, what Carl is saying is, you get all of these programs and accessories:

  • P90X: Extreme Training System. Twelve routines that keep introducing new moves and challenging your muscles to get you absolutely ripped in 90 days. With trainer Tony Horton.Hip Hop Abs: Ab-sculpting system that will give you the abs you’ve always dreamed of without doing a single sit-up or crunch. With Shaun T.
  • Turbo Jam: Chalene’s most advanced kickboxing and body-sculpting moves set to hot, new music to maximize your fat-burning and toning results!
  • Power 90: In-Home Boot Camp. Fat burning and total-body sculpting focused on abs, thighs, and upper body. With trainer Tony Horton.
  • Slim in 6: Slim in 6 will literally reshape your body in 6 weeks using the science of Slim Training®. Slim Training combines cardio with light resistance moves to help you burn fat and sculpt a lean, sexy body—especially your abs, thighs, and buns. Thousands of people have lost up to 25 pounds in just 6 weeks with this breakthrough system, and you can, too!
  • Yoga Booty Ballet: Hollywood’s fun fitness secret combines yoga, dance, and body sculpting to blast calories and target your abs, thighs, and booty. With Gillian Marloth and Teigh McDonough.
  • Super Resistance Bands Kit: (20 to 40 lbs.) Magenta (B4), Red (B6), Green (B8)
  • Beachbody Squishy Ball: Tighten and tone your abs and sculpt your inner thighs with this amazing little resistance tool. It’ll also improve your coordination and flexibility!
  • Weighted Gloves Set: Increase the intensity of your cardio workouts and get the lean, toned arms, and shapely chest and shoulders you’ve always wanted! .75 lb. each—1.5-lb. set. (Used with Turbo Jam® Maximum Results and Hip Hop Abs® Ultimate Results.)
If you purchased all these items separately, it would cost: $412.15.
The Showcase Pack cost: $199.95. That is a savings of over $200.00!
This Showcase Pack is only available to coaches and only one per coach can be purchased.

And now until December 31st, 2010, you can sign up as a coach and the $39.95 coach fee is waived! Adding to your savings!

If you have been thinking about getting P90X or any of the other programs listed, you definitely want to consider becoming a coach. You can learn more about being a coach here or comment below for more information.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Personal Training/Boot Camp End of Year Special: Buy One- Get One FREE

This is the time of year where we tend to put off the things we should be doing for ourselves, like working out, in exchange for all the busy hussle bussle of the holidays. Then, we start the year heavier and often times sicker than we'd really like. Well, not this year!

In addition to our "Battle of the Holiday Bulge" challenge, I am also offering new clients the chance to get an AMAZING DEAL on your choice of personal training or boot camp classes.

You will come in and participate in a training or a class, then decide how many you'd like to purchase. If you buy just one, you will get an additional one for free. If you buy 5, you will get 5. Buy 10, get 10. You get the idea! And, you can also purchase trainings or classes for those on your holiday gift list as well! Nothing better than giving the gift of health to someone you love and care about!

This offer will expire December 31, 2010, so don't waste a minute. I will be getting super booked and you won't want to have to wait for your session!

Any questions? Call Rebecca at Body Power Fitness, 515-999-5810 or email at Rebecca@BodyPowerFitness.com.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Up for a Challenge?

Ok, just to be frank out of the gates – Did you know the average American gains anywhere from 2 – 12 lbs during the holidays?

Yup.  And did you realize Thanksgiving is ‘bout ready to smack us in the face?

Well, this year, I will not be a statistic.  Last year, well, that’s another story.  I care not to live in the past….except for my initial success of losing 20lbs with changing my lifestyle around.

Here’s the deal – I’m looking for accountability partners that, too, are needing a little nudge, a little camradderie, a little support and validation that WE DON’T HAVE TO LET THE HOLIDAY’S RUIN OUR GOALS!

Who’s with me??

For those that know my story and history of weight loss success, you know that I haven't always been fit and healthy and I don't come from a family that is either. I had let 20 lbs. creep onto my 5'2" body, something that I had vowed never to let happen, but it did. I decided to make a change in my eating (started eating cleaner and more raw), my fitness (starting with yoga and progressed to running, weight lifting and more). Realized how much I wanted to be a healthy mom to my kids and eventually (a long, long time from now!) a healthy grandma ready to chase the little kiddos around. That's the short version of my story. :)
So I want you to know that I have built a lifestyle around meeting and maintain my goals.  So my nutritional regime is reflective of that.

It’s no secret of my love affair with P90X and Shakeology, so naturally, they are a part of my daily habits.

But regardless of what motivates YOU to keep moving, plan to KEEP IT UP!  Let’s just partner up to assure we can stay on top of our goals and rock our holiday velvet swagger, with confidence!!!  Ok, no velvet here….

As a Team Beachbody Coach, my objective is to create an awareness and apply my passion towards helping combat the trend of obesity.

How many can say that have or even, at this point, plan to be on the “weight loss bandwagon” at the start of the year??  Come on, you know who you are!!!

So check this, how rewarding would it be if while all else are PROMISING to commit at the first of the year, YOU are already well on your wait to meeting and reaching your goals – to be slimmer, leaner, healthier, [insert goal here]….you get the idea.

Chances are, this will be a new trend for you…meaning one that starts BEFORE the holidays.  Not AFTER the self-sabotage of the holidays.  This is SO VERY POSSIBLE!

So….why not we make a go of it and come together with a fun, CASUAL, yet effective, challenge.  You game??

Yes, YOU ARE!  Why?  Because you OWE it to yourself.  Think of it as an early Christmas gift.  You ready?  Read on….

Here’s the ‘Skinny’:
- My goal is to have AT LEAST 20 accountability partners that will COMMIT with me! God knows, I need help too!
- Set YOUR goals….and SHARE them!  Far more affective to have them out there!
- Challenge will run from November 22th – December 31st <—YUP, that’s the week OF Thanksgiving!  Scared?
- There is NO obligation to purchase anything.
- We will all post our results & daily accountability on this note to fuel the support of this challenge.
- Shall we post BEFORE pictures?  Of course!
- Invite others to participate in this challenge as well.  POWER IN NUMBERS!
- For those that take the ‘Shakeology BULGE-FREE Option’ you will be entered into a raffle to win a Beachbody workout* of choice at the end of the raffle.
*   The workout will be valued at $60.
** I have added this option as I have personally been indulging in Shakeology AT LEAST, once a day daily as a natural meal replacement for over a year now!  It has, hands down, enhanced my fitness and weight loss results, elevated my energy & mental clarity, helped clear up my skin and a host of other benefits, that I’ll spare listing here! It seems only eminent that I extend this as an option to help YOU reap the very same rewards.
- As YOUR accountability partner and Team Beachbody Coach, I am here to help and support you and offer recommendations – so long as YOU commit to supporting ME.
- If you don’t already, I encourage you to set up a FREE Team Beachbody account, as you can gain access to the same great nutritional, health and fitness resources, tools and support, that I do. (Click here – for your free account)
- You are encouraged to devise a fitness and nutritional regimen that you will commit to following through with, during this challenge. (You know I have mine…now, what’s yours?)  Again, happy to offer up suggestions and/or recommendations for YOUR goals.
- I recommend we allow ourselves ONE cheat meal a week. We can eat it and be done! Period.
- We WILL enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas Day feasts. I plan to eat, be merry and then…you guessed it, BE DONE!  There will be NO snacking on the leftovers!! (The goal is RESULTS, right?)
- You are encouraged to take at least one before picture, on or before November 22nd and an after picture on December 31st. Weigh in and measure your key areas: tummy, hips, thighs, chest, etc (before and after). <—Read below – chances to take part in a PRIZE!!!
- Check in often, offer encouragement and share tips to help others!
- Oh…and HAVE FUN!!!

Want to up the ante??

I present…..the Shakeology BULGE-FREE Option:

Simply, incorporate Shakeology into your nutritional regime and accelerate your results.  For me, I will be continuing with having Shakeology as one-meal a day, although plan to incorporate the 3-day “Jumpstart”, the week of November 29th.Shakeology

What’s the 3-Day Cleanse?? You MUST check it out: Click HERE

Here’s how you can earn that new program you’ve had your eye on:
  • For NEW Customers (only) – purchase Shakeology on Home Direct (HD) – you’ll earn 1 raffle entry*
  • Order Shakeology HD as a NEW Coach** – earn 2 raffle entries
*Why HD?  You get FREE shipping & 2 free workouts ($40 value). Offer only applies to NEW customers, please.
**Why become a Coach? Right now, you can activate a “Coach” account, whether you care to launch into the business side of it or now, and have $0 start up/enrollment fees, but PLUS, you’ll get that immediate 25% discount on your Shakeology HD orders, in addition to the FREE shipping and 2 free workouts.  Not a bad deal, eh?  Again, offer applies to my current customers and those customers that elect to upgrade their account to a Coach account.

  • For every pound you lose = 1 raffle entry
  • For those that submit their BEFORE picture = 1 raffle entry; AFTER picture = 1 raffle entry

Ok….so who wants in??  Keep in mind, this is just intended for FUN, there is NO OBLIGATION, but more importantly, it’s a way for us all to stay accountable and gain control over the holidays.

Let’s not be a statistic to that HOLIDAY BULGE – remember, that was 2-12 lbs every holiday season!  NO THANKS!

You can learn more about Shakeology by visiting:
To learn more about signing up as a Coach for FREE right now, check out:
Be A Beachbody Coach
So, if you are up to it, commit by adding yourself to the CHALLENGE NOTE! The more the merrier (good pun, eh?), so please invite others to join us!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lose Weight by Replacing One Meal a Day with Shakeology

Friday, November 5, 2010

Juice Recipe of the Day: Creamsicle Juice

Went last night to a preview event for my friend, Sheree Clark, Des Moines' "Hot Raw Food Chef". She will be on a show called "b. organic" this weekend on Iowa Public Television, coaching Michele Beschen (host of "b. organic") on what it means to be a raw food vegan and how to gradually introduce raw foods into your diet. One of the juices they made was what Sheree called "Creamsicle", and although it had a surprising ingredient, I decided to give it a try this morning. Here it is:

Creamsicle Juice
4-5 peeled, organic oranges
2-3 organic pears or apples
1 sweet potato

Juice in that order, then enjoy straight up or add to blender with ice to blend for a smoothie!

Now, I have never thought about juicing a sweet potato of all things, but it was REALLY VERY GOOD!

I use a Breville Ikon juicer, that I LOVE and HIGHLY RECOMMEND. It is quite an amazing juicer, as are all the Breville juicers.

Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on new juice recipes, healthy lifestyle articles, special deals and more!