Monday, October 4, 2010

Mission For The Week: More Raw Food!

Okay, ready for your healthy mission of the week? Then here it is:
Your challenge is to eat more than 50% of your food raw. Yep, it can be done!
Now, you may ask why in the world someone would want to do this. There are many reasons.
  1. When you eat less than 50% of your food raw, your body considers the food as toxins and starts to attack, creating many unhealthy consequences.
  2. Cooked food is void of life enhancing enzymes; raw food is full of them.
  3. Protein is not nearly as absorbable cooked as it is raw.
  4. Cooked food loses vitamins and minerals as opposed to eating raw.
These are just a few of the reasons. So, for this week, eat over 50% of your food in raw form. That can be adding more fruits and veggies to your meals, like in salads. It can be having more fresh juices (not the stuff from the bottle). You can find many resources online, but four of my most favorites are:
Let me know what questions you have and how it is going. I'd love to hear feedback!

Don't forget, last weeks was to drink at least 1L. of water upon waking up; keep that up or start it now if you didn't last week!

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